Rev. Taiwo Inman

Minister, Board Member


Rev. Taiwo Inman has been a Christian, New Thought metaphysician since 1984.  His ministerial practice has included: the delivery of sermons, lectures, and Biblical instruction; pastoral care in the performance of weddings, funerals and memorial services, hospital and home visits; chaplaincy services; and the facilitation of retreats and workshops.  Rev. Taiwo is also a certified Reiki Master and Instructor and has been a practitioner of Transcendental Meditation (TM) since 1985, becoming a TM Sidhi in 1992.

Rev. Taiwo practiced under the spiritual direction of the late Rev. Lafayette Seymour of Unity in Washington, DC, for ten years. He also received instruction from such renowned New Thought Christian educators as Rev. Dr. Helen Carry, the late Rev. Dr. Johnnie Coleman, and Rev.  Mary A. Thompkins of the Universal Foundation for Better Living.  Rev. Taiwo is a long-term member, since 1999, of the Methodist-based From the Heart Church Ministries, and today serves as a Minister with Covenant Christian Community.

Rev. Taiwo was ordained in 1997, in the Priesthood according to the Order of Melchizedek, by the Sanctuary of the Beloved, Inc., of New York State.   In addition to serving as a minister with Covenant, he has also served in ministerial roles with the Divine Center for Better Living in Washington, D.C.;  the One God, One Thought Center for Better Living in Baltimore MD; and Unity of Washington, D.C.

Rev. Taiwo received his Bachelor of Arts degree in International Cultural Studies from Trinity College in Hartford, CT, and has worked in the finance and insurance industries.