Rev. Paulette Jones-Imaan

Board Member, Meditation Instructor and Leader


Rev. Paulette Jones Bell-Imaan is an educator, master teacher, educational consultant, and metaphysician. She celebrates over 50 years of bringing Ideal Education to the students of the District of Columbia.  In 1973, Ms. Bell-Imaan studied and became a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation technique directly from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, an enlightened master and founder of TM. This began her life-long quest to integrate meditation into the teaching and learning process of education. She was successful in founding the Ideal Academy Public Charter School, which became the first and only public charter school to include in its charter the teaching of meditation.

Rev. Paulette also studied and trained to teach Sudarshan Kryia Breathing Meditation and the Sahaj Samadhi Meditation in the early 90’s from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, another enlightened spiritual master.

Additionally, Rev. Paulette followed her call to integrate meditative practices more deeply into the religious and spiritual communities of her origin and matriculated at Wesley Theological Seminary. There she earned a Masters of Theological Studies in 1990 and was ordained to the ministry by Covenant Christian Community.  She completed the highly acclaimed Spiritual Direction Program of the Shalem Institute and received certification to become a Spiritual Director.  

Rev. Paulette is uniquely qualified to teach meditation to all sectors of society.  For her, teaching is an honor, a responsibility, and the fulfillment of her divine purpose: that of helping to relieve suffering, eliminate stress, and bring greater happiness to our world.